
17 May 2019

Press Review: TeleArena (15th May 2019)

The TeleArena news report about the Tournament (15th May 2019)  
13 May 2019

“Lo sport è…” Contest: Primary school children awarded

12 May 2019

Atalanta wins the Champions Cup. Europe Cup goes to PSG

Atalanta wins the Champions Cup at the 6th International City of Bardolino – Memorial G. Chincherini tournament, overcoming Milan and Bayern Munich in the final round. […]
12 May 2019

Press Review: L’Arena di Verona (11th May 2019)

A newspaper report about the tournament (L’Arena di Verona – 11 maggio 2019) “Dal Liverpool al Psg. A Bardolino i pulcini dei grandi club” written by […]
3 May 2019

Video: Tournament presentation press conference

The video of the Tournament presentation press conference, held on May 2nd, 2019 at the Cantina Zeni in Bardolino.
13 March 2019

Press Review: L’Arena di Verona (2nd March 2019)

A news report about the tournament, written by L’Arena di Verona (2nd March 2019)  
21 December 2018

Associations Party in Bardolino

Last Tuesday, December 18, 2018, the party of the Bardolino associations was held. Here below some pictures of our association (click on an image to zoom)
21 December 2018

Inter Milan won the 5th edition

Inter won the 5th edition of Città di Bardolino Tournament.  The “Nerazzurri” defeated Bayern Munich and Atletico Madrid in the World Cup final round (here all […]
21 December 2018

Press Review: L’Arena di Verona 6th March 2018

A newspaper article about the tournament, written by L’Arena di Verona (6th March 2018 – click on the image to open or download the pdf) <